Medical device “Ekosvet 1” – an apparatus for ultraviolet light-pulse therapy – the development of Russian scientists and specialists. It has passed many years of clinical trials, is approved and recommended for use by Roszdravnadzor, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Society of Physicians of Restorative Medicine. “Ekolight 1” will help you boost your immunity at home, improve metabolism, slow down the aging of the body, normalize blood pressure, work of the heart and blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, reduce blood sugar and get rid of many other diseases. Concerned about your health and the health of your family?
UVB is a method of influencing the blood with light quanta of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. The method has been used in medicine for over 80 years. In 1928, V.Hancock and E. Knott performed for the first time several sessions of extracorporeal UBI in a puerperal woman dying of sepsis. The volume of irradiated blood was 100-120 ml. The patient recovered. In the USSR, this method was used for the first time in Leningrad in 1937 by transfusiologists Filatov A.N. and Kasumov G.I. In 1979 in Leningrad at the State Optical Institute. S.I. Vavilova Popov Yu.V. in collaboration with Kukuy L.M. was developed and tested apparatus “Izolda” MD – 73, which is used by doctors to date.
The biological effect of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is due to the ability of the molecules of substances that make up the cells of living organisms to absorb radiation quanta and, as a result, be involved in various photochemical reactions that change their structure and functions. The mechanism of action of irradiated blood on humans is complex and diverse. There is still no unified theory about the effect of UV radiation on the human body, along with this, scientists have proven that under the influence of UV radiation, the bactericidal activity of blood and inactivated toxic substances and enzymes increases sharply by oxidizing them. At the second stage, the function of blood cells is activated in the irradiated blood and a large number of nonspecific immunity factors are released by them. Under the action of quantum energy, new surfactants are formed on the surface of erythrocytes that change the electrical charge on the membrane, which ensures a decrease in blood viscosity and an increase in its oxygen capacity.
In the therapeutic effect of UVB, a certain place belongs to the restructuring of the body’s immune system. A good clinical effect of UBI is associated with an improvement in microcirculation due to a decrease in blood viscosity, as well as with the cleaning of blood vessels from fibrin deposits, which causes an increase in the rate of peripheral blood flow and improves oxygen supply to tissues.
The most important effects of UVB are its bactericidal action. Influencing some substances of a bacterial cell, ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal effect on the patient’s blood. It has been established that the bactericidal action of photomodified blood has much in common with the action of antibiotics.
Thus, UVB provides the following therapeutic effects:
improvement of microcirculation;
increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood and increasing the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues;
normalization and stimulation of regenerative and metabolic processes;
stimulation of regeneration, improvement of the functional properties of erythrocytes.
Despite the progress made in studying the mechanisms of action of UVB, research to develop optimal treatment programs for various diseases continues.
Английский Predstavlennyye dannyye odnoznachno svidetel’stvuyut o neobkhodimosti shirokogo primeneniya v povsednevnoy klinicheskoy praktike effektivnogo i bezopasnogo metoda UFOK, kak v komplekse terapevticheskikh meropriyatiy shirokogo spektra zabolevaniy i klinicheskikh sostoyaniy, tak i samostoyatel’no, osobenno pri lekarstvennoy neperenosimosti, nedostupnosti ili vysokoy stoimosti nekotorykh lekarstvennykh preparatov. Pri etom sleduyet rukovodstvovat’sya printsipami: neinvazivnost’, dostatochnaya effektivnost’, bezopasnost’, shirokiy spektr lechebnogo vozdeystviya, prosta v ekspluatatsii, kompaktnost’. The presented data clearly indicate the need for widespread use in everyday clinical practice of an effective and safe UBI method, both in the complex of therapeutic measures for a wide range of diseases and clinical conditions, and independently, especially in case of drug intolerance, inaccessibility or high cost of certain drugs. In this case, one should be guided by the principles: non-invasiveness, sufficient efficiency, safety, a wide range of therapeutic effects, easy to operate, compactness.All these requirements are fully met by the unique domestic device UFOK “EKOSVET 1”.
How does the Ecolight 1 device affect human health?
slows down the aging of the body
Reduces sugar and “bad” cholesterol in the blood
Normalizes the processes of the nervous system
Reduces blood viscosity, enriches it with oxygen
Improves metabolism
Normalizes the processes of the nervous system
Restores and strengthens the immune system
Kills infections, relieves inflammation
Why do people choose Ecolight 1?
It has minimal contraindications, suitable for the treatment of adults and children from 4 years old
“Ekosvet 1” is recommended by the Russian Society of Physicians of Restorative Medicine and approved by the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
It is a safe and comfortable procedure that can be easily done at home in 10 minutes.
Нина –
Спасибо профессору Беляеву, спасибо разработчикам! Пол жизни страдала дерматитом, экземами и прочими кожными недугами… Пользуюсь экосветом не так давно, но уже имею потрясающий результат! То, что мокло, то подсохло, что шелушилось проходит на глазах! К коже возвращается человеческий вид! Ещё раз огромное спасибо, Матрица здоровья!